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The use of GlobCurrent products at CPTEC/INPE (Brazil)

The use of GlobCurrent products at CPTEC/INPE (Brazil)

11-01-2016 Hits:87540 Background Jeff Piolle

Since 2011 the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, has conducted an operational remote sensing monitoring of sea surface features along the Southeastern Brazilian Margin, on the western side...

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Practicalities of Implementing Maximum Cross-Correlation

Practicalities of Implementing Maximum Cross-Correlation

29-10-2015 Hits:147459 Background admin

Five hourly GOCI images, showing the evolving pattern of chlorophyll. (Image size is 160km x 130 km, and covers the region between South Korea and Japan highlighted by the red...

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The Potential of Delay Doppler Altimetry

The Potential of Delay Doppler Altimetry

23-03-2015 Hits:134821 Background admin

For more than two decades, many parameters, such as the range between the satellite and the observed surface, the wave height and the wind speed, have been retrieved from the...

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What is your definition of an ocean surface current?

What is your definition of an ocean surface current?

03-06-2014 Hits:113859 Background Jeff Piolle

Can we shed some light on the ocean processes and marine applications that need more attention in GlobCurrent? Satellite altimetry, arguably a mature technique for mapping ocean currents, provides one...

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Surface currents from new GOCI dataset with maximum cross-correlation

Surface currents from new GOCI dataset with maximum cross-correlation

24-03-2014 Hits:116827 Background Jeff Piolle

Estimates of ocean currents can be obtained by tracking the movement of natural surface features from satellites. The displacements of ocean features (e.g.. chlorophyll pattern) over the time interval between...

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