- Joseph Henry LaCasce :
Leading expert on upper ocean dynamics. Proposed applying the SQG model to estimate near-surface velocities from SST in 2006. He studies oceanic dynamics and 2-D turbulence and is known for his work on Lagrangian dispersion in the ocean and atmosphere. - Kathleen Dohan :
Expert in turbulence and stratified flows, internal waves, mixed layer parameterization, wind-driven mixing. Has experience with both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to study internal wave generation from a turbulent mixed region, interaction between turbulence and stratification, use of mooring data to quantify the dynamics of storm-driven upper ocean mixing during the fall deepening stage of the mixed layer evolution and its implications for mixed layer models. At ESR since December 2007 and now working on Ocean Surface Current Analyses-Real time (OSCAR) and sub-inertial wind-driven surface currents (Ocean Vector Wind). - Ad Stoffelen :
Expert on wind retrieval from satellites. Led the development of the CMOD empirical model to convert measured radar cross-section to near surface wind speed and direction. He is also highly experienced with NWP models and data assimilation of satellite winds. - Rick Lumpkin :
His research focuses on upper ocean processes and ocean circulation. As scientific director of NOAA's Global Drifter Program (GDP) at AOML, he oversees a global array of ~1250 satellite-tracked drifting buoys measuring ocean temperatures and surface currents, and has used these data to write a number of peer-reviewed publications. - Øyvind Breivik :
Experienced with coupled modelling of the air-sea interaction and the modulation by the sea state of energy and momentum fluxes from the atmosphere to the ocean mixed layer. Currently involved in the process of building a fully coupled model system where the atmospheric model (IFS) is communicating directly with the ocean model (NEMO) without an explicit coupler. The wave model (WAM) modulates the fluxes of momentum and energy from the atmosphere to the ocean. - Francisco J. Ocampo-Torres :
Expert on SAR wave /wind field retrievals and validation. Involved in a new Mexican initiative to establish an observing system (in-situ, satellite, model based) for the Gulf of Mexico. - Jordi Isern-Fontanet :
Leader in the interpretation of SST and SSH data, retrieval of upper ocean dynamics including SQG processing, and characterization of upper ocean turbulence and associated horizontal and vertical fluxes. - Fabrice Collard (Project Liaison):
Leading expert in development of processing routines and retrieval algorithms for radar and optical satellite imaging and sensor synergy combinations. Pioneered the development of the CDOP empirical model for wind corrections to the range Doppler surface velocity retrievals for Envisat ASAR. - Bertrand Chapron :
Project scientific coordinator. - Johnny A. Johannessen :
Project manager responsible for product development, integration, and user involvements.