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1. What is ESA GlobCurrent ?
ESA GlobCurrent is an European Space Agency (ESA) Data User Element (DUE) project that is developing a system to operationally provide satellite Earth observation and model derived estimates of ocean currents.  This service will be free to use and potential users and applications of the service include commercial shipping, drilling and mining industry, aquaculture, pollution monitoring and the renewable energy sector.
2. What is an ocean current ?
An ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater generated by the forces acting upon the seawater. 
Examples of these forces include breaking waves, wind, temperature and salinity differences, tides and the Coriolis effect.
3. What will the GlobCurrent service provide ?
GlobCurrent will provide a range of different ocean current datasets at different temporal and spatial resolutions.  Some of these datasets and products will be suitable for near-coast applications (e.g. aquaculture) whereas others will be more suitable for open-ocean applications (e.g. long range shipping).
4. How long will the GlobCurrent service operate for ?
The initial project is funded by ESA until 2016.  A high user participation and exploitation of the service up until and including 2016 will help to ensure the future of the service beyond 2016.
5. How can I register to receive more information about the GlobCurrent project and services ?
Please see the 'Feedback/Contact' link in the main menu bar of this website.
6. Where and how can I access GlobCurrent data ?
Once available, all data will be accessible from this website. Please see the 'Products/Data' link in the main menu bar of this website.
7. What data format will GlobCurrent data use ?
The GlobCurrent data will primarily use the internationally developed climate format (CF) NetCDF data format.  Alternative data formats and tools to convert between common data formats will also be made available.
8. Are the GlobCurrent data validated or verified ?
Yes, all of the GlobCurrent datasets and approaches will be validated and verified using a range of different methods and datasets.  All of this information will be provided as part of the service.
9. What is the European Space Agency (ESA) ?
The European Space Agency is an intergovernmental organisation funded by the European community to develop and implement a European space programme.  Their work includes everything from human space flight, to the construction of communications and monitoring satellites and building rockets, to exploiting and encouraging space research for humanitarian applications, disaster relief, commercial exploitation and engagement with schools.
10. What is Earth observation (EO) ?
Earth observation is the gathering or monitoring of information about the Earth's physical, chemical and biological systems and health via remote sensing.
This means that Earth observation is the remote viewing or study of the Earth.  This 'remote viewing' can be achieved from a range of different sensors (including our own eyes).  So Earth observation is possible using satellites that orbit the Earth, using aircraft, hot air balloons, the International Space Station etc.
11. What is the Data User Element (DUE) ?

The ESA DUE is a programme aimed at developing satellite Earth observation services, datasets and tools for specific user communities.  The DUE mission is to favour the establishment of a long-term relationship between the User communities and Earth Observation.  More information on the DUE programme can be found here: http://