Program (click here for speaker Bios and here for feedback)
Wednesday 12 November 2014
- 12:00-13:00 Registration and lunch
- 13:00-13:10 Icarus Allen (PML) Welcome message
- 13:10-13:40 Johnny Johannessen (NERSC) GlobCurrent: Advancing the estimation of surface current from space
- 13:40-14:10 Mike Bell (UK Met Office) GlobCurrent User Consultation Modelling & Prediction needs
- 14:10-14:40 Colin Grant (CG Metocean Consulting Limited) GlobCurrent, OOSIG and the Oil & Gas Industry
- 14:40-15:10 Tea/Coffee break
- 15:10-15:40 Marie-Hélène Rio (CLS) GlobCurrent V1 products: The Geostrophic and Ekman components and New global Mean Dynamic Topography from a GOCE geoid model, altimeter measurements and oceanographic in-situ data
- 15:40-16:10 Fabrice Collard (ODL) Interactive demonstration of GlobCurrent data
- 16:10-17:00 Open discussion (chaired by GlobCurrent - structure/content guided by attendees)
- 19:30 Conference Dinner (organised by GlobCurrent, attendees will cover their own costs)
Thursday morning 13 November 2014
- 09:00-09:30 Samuel Djavidnia (European Maritime Safety Authority) EMSA’s Integrated Maritime Services: Improving maritime domain awareness at EU level
- 09:30-10:00 Gérald Bibot (Great Circle) Navigation at the chart table
- 10:00-10:15 Kathleen Dohan (Earth & Space Research) OSCAR Satellite-Based Surface Currents
- 10:15-11:00 Open discussion (chaired by GlobCurrent - structure/content guided by attendees)
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30-12:00 Summary of discussions and actions
- 12:00-12:15 Craig Donlon (ESA) Final comments
- 12:15-13:15 Lunch
- 14:00-16:00 Training (optional)